Pastoral Care
The pastoral care of each individual in the school community is of the highest importance. Breda Academy students benefit from a highly developed pastoral system to ensure that every student’s progress towards becoming a well-rounded individual is closely monitored.
Our Pastoral Team
Form Tutor
Students are assigned to a tutor group when they join Breda Academy overseen by a form tutor who sees students every day for registration. The Form Tutor provides a first point of contact for the students and their parents about any issues that arise in school. The form tutors deliver the Breda Academy Personal Development programme during a weekly form period. Visiting speakers, special occasion assemblies and an active learning approach ensure our pupils cover a wide range of relevant topics to help their personal development as young people in our care.
Year Head
Each year group will have a Year Head who has particular experience of each key stage and is able to provide specialist support with the particular issues that arise at each stage in post-primary education. For example, Mr Galbraith is Head of Year 8 and works with our feeder primary schools to establish links that support students in the transition from P7 to Year 8.
Head of Key Stage
The work of the year heads is overseen and supported by Heads of Key Stage. Mrs Parry is Head of Key Stage Three (Years 8 to 10), Mr McCann is Head of Key Stage Four (Years 11 to 12) and Mrs Glover is Senior Teacher and also Head of Key Stage Five (Years 13 and 14)
In addition to this structure
Mrs Scott is our Pastoral Vice Principal and Mr Carrick is our Curriculum Vice Principal. They work together to ensure all pupils are supported and nurtured during their years at Breda Academy.
Mrs Scott isour Designated Child Protection officer and leads the Child Protection Team.
The well-being of students is the responsibility of all staff. Effective communication and partnership with parents and carers and is an essential element of good pastoral care. Breda Academy maintains clear and concise structures and procedures to address pastoral issues swiftly and appropriately.
Breda Academy boasts an effective confidential counselling provision for pupils who need someone to talk to about their problems/concerns. We are fortunate to offer weekly appointments from a Family Works counsellor.
Positive Behaviour Policy
At Breda Academy we are committed to a culture which empowers everyone to achieve his or her full potential. We actively promote a positive teaching and learning environment where everyone is expected to work hard and behave in a responsible manner by displaying consideration, courtesy and respect for others at all times.
From experience, we have found this positive approach benefits from the active support and full co-operation of all parents/carers in maintaining high standards. This is particularly so with regard to matters of attendance and punctuality, the supervision and submission of homework/ coursework and adhering to School Uniform Regulations.