
Subject Overview:
Science aims to inspire every pupil to reach their potential via a broad based; in-depth and stimulating curricular experience. We aim to increase knowledge, deepen understanding and teach practical & problem solving skills to maximise the potential of all pupils.
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 3 students follow an exciting, integrated Science programme covering Biology; Chemistry and Physics:
- Yr8: Introduction to Science; Cells&Reproduction; Forces&Energy and Materials
- Yr9: Habitats&Human Influences; Elements&Compounds; Earth&Space and Using Forces
- Yr10: Health; Sound&Light; Real Life Chemistry; Electricity and Magnetism
STEM careers are both wide-ranging and bursting with opportunity. Here at Breda we aim to provide and/or promote at least one STEM event per term. Previous events include:
- STEMNET/STEM Ambassadors workshops&visits
- Education Interactive (annual Forensics workshop)
- The annual NI Science Festival events (QUB/UU/Ulster museum)
- Big Bang Fair (Jordanstown)
- STEM Module school visits (Microscopy& more)
- RAF STEM Event (interactive live event & a jet engine demonstration)
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
At key stage 4 we offer a broad range of courses:
- Double Award Science (aimed at pupils with a keen interest in Science & considering a STEM career path). This unitised course teaches in-depth subject knowledge and practical skills in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- Single Award Science (aimed at pupils with a keen interest in Science, open to any career pathway). The course is unitised and teaches practical skills in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- OCN Level 2 in Applied Science (aimed at pupils interested in Science but likely to follow an alternative career path). The course covers all three Sciences with an applied approach and bears an equivalence to GCSE Science.
Key Stage 5 Qualification and Programmes of Study:
At Key Stage 5 Level we offer:
Level 3 Extended Certificate in Applied Science (aimed at pupils with a passion for Science who are wishing to enter a STEM career path). This unitised course will provide students with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of key scientific principles in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, whilst also developing their experimental and research skills in preparation for a STEM based career.
Subject Specific Revision Websites
board's website
listing past papers
& mark schemes.
Select GCSE (DA/SA)
contains a range of
animations, quizzes
and activities that
can be used to test
your knowledge of
principles and help
you to prepare for
your exams.