
Breda Academy is committed to working with parents to encourage regular and punctual attendance.
Parents and guardians have a legal duty1 to ensure their child of compulsory school age shall receive efficient full time education suitable to age, ability and aptitude and to any special educational needs they may have, either by regular school attendance or otherwise.
1 Article 45(1) of The Education and Libraries (NI) Order 1986
Main points to be aware of:
- It is a parent’s / guardian’s responsibility to inform the school of the reason for a pupil’s absence on the first day of absence. Parents / guardians should phone or email or text the school.
- Pupils are expected to arrive in school at 8.35 a.m. at the latest, so that they can be at registration at 8.40 a.m. It is the responsibility of parents / guardians to ensure that your child is punctual. Lateness is recorded.
- Appointments should be made outside of school hours. If this is not possible, e.g. hospital appointments, then pupils should attend school before / after the appointment. A note must be sent into school beforehand.
- If a pupil comes in after registration has been taken for that session, then he or she will get a present mark as long as a note from a parent / guardian or an appointment letter is provided.
- If your child appears reluctant to attend school please discuss the matter promptly with the Head of Year or Head of Key Stage to ensure that both you and your child receive maximum support.
- Form tutors will monitor pupils’ attendance each month and will share this with pupils.
- School attendance is also shared weekly on the school comms app and monthly by letter to each parent / carer.
- Parents / Guardians will be contacted by the school by letter when the child’s attendance falls below 94%.
- Pupils may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer when attendance drops below 85%.
- Parents / Guardians must provide the school with a reason for each period of absence. This can be done via email, telephone or the school comms app.
Family holidays during Term Time
Breda Academy discourages holidays during term time due to the impact they have on pupils’ learning. Family holidays taken during term time will be categorised as an unauthorised absence. Only in exceptional circumstances, according to DENI guidance, will a holiday be authorised.
A copy of the school’s attendance policy is available on request or on the school website.
Percentage | Equivalent Days Missed over one year | Outcome |
100% | Number of days of learning missed |
Excellent Your child will receive achievement points and other rewards in school. The very best chance of success |
95% | 10 days or 2 weeks of learning missed |
Good Pupils with above 95% attendance have a good chance of success. Your child will receive rewards in school for his or her attendance. Your child is off to a good start |
90% | 19 days or 3 weeks & 4 days of learning missed |
Poor Attendance If your child's attendance is less than 95% you will be contacted by the school by letter. Rick of underachievement |
85% | 29 days or 5 weeks & 4 dfays of learning missed |
Very poor attendance When a child's attendance falls to 85% or below, then a referral may be made the Education Welfare Officer. Serious rick of underachievement |
80% | 38 days or 7 weeks & 3 days of learning missed |
Extremely poor attendance Extreme risk of underachievement |
75% | 48 days or 9 weeks & 3 days of learning missed |
Extremely poor attendance Extreme risk of underachievement |