Subject Overview:
ICT is a department that covers several different courses covering different aspects of the subject. We offer a range of courses that investigate the practical elements of ICT as well as courses that develop an understanding of the digital world, we live in. Our aim is to equip learners with the ability to understand and change our continuously developing world.
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 3, ICT is built into the curriculum having two dedicated lessons per week within our computer suites. Students cover a range of topics including digital literacy, e-safety, cyber security, and the developing world of ICT.
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 4 throughout years 11 and 12 students can study BTEC Digital Information Technology or OCN Information Technology (Level 2).
The BTEC Digital Information Technology course explores user interface design principles and project planning techniques. It requires students to collect, present and interpret data. Students also explore effective digital working practices and ultimately, they gain an in-depth understanding of how the ICT Industry works. There are two coursework units and one exam.
The OCN Information technology course is all coursework and focuses on the digital literacy and practical use of ICT. Units explore word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and user fundamentals in detail.
Key Stage 5 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 5 students can continue from the Key Stage 4 pathway through either the BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Information Technology or OCN NI Diploma in Information Technology.
The option open to year 13 is the BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Information Technology. This qualification is designed for learners who are interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information, alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education. It is equivalent in size to one A Level, it has two exams and two units of coursework.
The OCN NI Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology Applications is designed to provide learners with the more advanced IT skills required to function successfully in the work and wider environment. Pupils must complete several Coursework units including Word Processing, Spreadsheets, using e-mail, Using the internet and Communication fundamentals.