Careers Education

In Breda Academy, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important element of our provision. As a staff, we are committed to ensuring that all students receive high quality careers education and guidance as part of their learning experiences. This will enable them to make informed, considered and realistic decisions about their education, training and employment options.
Careers education and guidance prepares young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will face throughout their adult life.
Programmes of Study and work-related experiences:
We aim to:
- Make pupils aware of their individual skills, qualities and interests, helping them to shape their Personal Career Plan from Year 8 and build their confidence;
- Provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum- through LifeSkills and the development of a range of work-relevant skills in every subject.
- Fulfil expectations for the delivery of CEIAG at a whole-school level;
- Engage pupils in more work-related opportunities- including: mock interviews, industry visits and local guest speakers;
- Strengthen our working relationships with employers such as Young Enterprise, Business in the Community, PWC;
- Equip parents and pupils with relevant and appropriate Careers information, to ensure successful transitions as pupils move through Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
Pupils evolve their own Personal Career Plans in the context of each transition they must make – whether to GCSE, Advanced Level, Higher Education, Apprenticeships or employment. As pupils move into the senior school, support is provided through the process of the application and selection process, and life beyond school is considered: finding accommodation, financial issues and settling in at university or a new job.
Careers Education is delivered through careers modules in Lifeskills and Employability modules in LLW at KS3 and one timetabled period per week of Lifeskills at KS4 and KS5, CEIAG events, subject-based careers activities, Learning for Life and Work (LLW) and initiatives from Young Enterprise and Business in the Community.
Additionally, Year 11 and Year 13 students engage in a week of work experience. This scheme is an extension of the work developed in the Careers Department and our “Learning for Life and Work” programme. To date, the scheme has been a great success with pupils gaining invaluable information and experience about the world of work and it is our aim that every pupil should have such an opportunity.
We work closely with the Department of Employment and Learning and all Year 12 students are interviewed by our DEL Careers Advisors, Paul McLennan and Gerard McGrath, who offer individual personal career planning. They also attend the Year 10, Year 12 and Sixth Year Parents’ Evenings to provide information on a range of career pathways. In addition, they work with our SENCO, Mrs Begemann, to provide extra support for pupils with additional educational needs during key transitional periods at KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Our Year 13 and Year14 students are offered guidance and support by dedicated ‘link teachers’ throughout the UCAS application process. One-to-one guidance sessions with mentors are available for those making applications to Further and Higher Education. Presentations are also arranged, allowing visiting University and Higher Education representatives to share information; all KS5 students have opportunities to attend the University of Ulster and Queen’s University Open Days.
Pupils are encouraged to check their school emails and follow us on social media.