The Sixth Form

In Breda Academy we focus on the individual pupil and we provide tailored support in order that they choose the correct subject combinations which will enhance their outcomes for whatever pathway they wish to choose after Key Stage 5. We offer a wide and varied range of academic subjects and vocational qualifications. The Sixth Form curriculum aims to support and develop the commitment and self-discipline students need for successful independent study. Staff will build programmes that foster these skills in class and in homework that are essential for academic success.
To support their learning students from Year 11 to 14 are each issued with a school iPad to use in lessons and at home with a range of educational apps.
At Breda Academy we have an experienced and dedicated pastoral team in Sixth Form and our focus is to develop our students to be independent, life long learners who will demonstrate Breda Academy`s motto which is “Learners today, Leaders tomorrow”. Our Sixth Form students should show a strong commitment to every aspect of our school community and set high standards for the rest of the school by their good behaviour, their enthusiasm and effort towards their study, their leaderships skills and by their concern for their fellow students.
Sixth Form students have the opportunity to become prefects and buddies to a Junior School set of pupils. The Sixth Form also will decide on their own Student Council which will give them a voice to heard and for the school management to take on board new innovative ideas and strategies for successful and enjoyable learning experiences within the school.
The special features of Senior School include:
- Expert tuition in all subjects at AS and A Level
- A friendly atmosphere where a committed team of teachers and support staff working in partnership with the students
- A tutorial programme designed to help each student achieve their full potential
- Career guidance and advice on university applications and interviews
- A Senior Prefect System
- Involvement in the Student Council and The Buddy System
- Opportunities to develop and show leadership qualities
- An enrichment programme to broaden learning experiences
- A wide range of extra-curricular activities
- Extensive IT facilities
- Excellent library facilities
- A separate common room with kitchen attached
- Supervised study room